Friday 7 September 2012


 i was in a bad mood, and this girll called bobpant's statuses really weren't helping.

so i wrote this on my status. i probably shouldn't have, but oh well. i did. she needed to hear it,
what happened next, i guess i asked for it tbh xD

so yeah. i have nothing else to post about. sorry if i act snappy towards you sometimes, but umm...yeah. i have my reasons...sometimes i get really bad, um..cough cough, awkward post over.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Soph3172's banner

if you want me to redo it, just ask (:

(click on it to get the largest for the best quality)

haven't posted on here in tiiiiiiiime...not because there hasn't been anything intresting to post (bc trust me, there's been ALOT to post about..:L) but because im just too damn lazy xD

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Tuesday 21 August 2012

How to do your background (for shiloh)

there's you background shiloh, and here's how to upload it.

step 1: go on template on your blog overview, then click on customise.

step two: click on background then click on the little box thingy that has your current background on it.

step 3: this box thingy should come up, click on upload new image at the top then click browse. select the image from your pc and click okay.

step 4: after that, you need to adjust until you get the look you want. use the options on the side. underneath is a preview, so you can see what it'll look like there. once you've done, click apply to blog.

step 5: click view blog, and your background should be up! (:

sorry, i kinda rushed the instructions because i have to go soon, but if you need me to go over anything just ask (:


i hate artbooks like this. it starts out okay...but then it turns out all she wants is 100 loves. i didn't comment because i don't know her and i don't want to start a fight, but yeah. i hate this with a burning passion D:<

Monday 20 August 2012

Blog Banners

so a couple of people have asked me how do you upload blog banners.

step 1: go on your blogger dashboard, then click on your blog.

  step 2: on the menu on the left hand side it says layout, click on that.

 step 3: a bunch of boxes will come up. they are the templates for your blog. there should be a box with the name of your blog on it (in my case it's fifi's amaaaazing blog). in that same box should be a little link that says edit. click on that.

 step 4: once you've done that, this window should pop up. you need to select the option 'Image: from your computer'. click browse and get the image you want as your banner from your pc.

step 5: underneath that it says Placement: and then you have a bunch of options. click 'Instead of title and description' if you want just an image or 'Have a description placed after the image' if you want a description of your blog there too (on my screen cap i selected the image only one). then click save.

step 6:  once you've done that, your blog banner is in place! ;D but the sizing and the widths may be wrong, so you need to edit to make sure. (it's not wrong for everyone). to do that,  on the left hand side menu click template then customise.

step 7:  once you've done that, it will redirect you onto the editing of your blog page thingy (great terminology ;D). click on adjust widths and then slide the slidey thing up and down until it fits the preview at the bottom of the screen. then click apply to blog (the button of apply to blog on mine is half cut out but i cba to do it again. sorry).

step 8:   once you're done, click view blog and voila! your very own blog banner.
you're welcome :D if you need any more help, just ask and i'll go over it for you :3

such a flatterer ;]