Monday 6 August 2012



 guess what guys? :O i have haters! xD
many of you will find it impossible to believe someone as amazing as moi has haters, but it's true! this is how it happened...
once upon a time in a land far away...
haha jk, last night, a girl made a forum.

click the pictures to enlarge.

LOL at the way she posts 'be yourself' at the end xD

i posted saying:

then she made another forum saying:

 and i posted saying

then, she made another forum saying "should i quit msp" (i didn't take a sceenshot of this one, sorry) and said because she needs to spend more time fasting and with her family. and she also said because i upset her alot. people posted saying 'no, don't quit' and this is what she wrote xD

so the next day i logged on and this is what i find:

i'm not sorry for saying anything, she had it coming. and i dont give a crap if she's only 8 years old. at 8 she should be more mature than that forum. at the end of the day, haters are all lame. they have nothing better to do than hate someone over the internet. and i take haters as a compliment. haters make you famous<3

so to Xx~Peace~xX and hannahlarden1, grow the hell up. kbaii<3

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I'm gonna have a word with this bitch.
    Everyones going for her because she's VIP.
    Messing with MY fifi?
    Thats LOW!
    Check out my blog. ;)
    Can I be on your blog please? With a cherry ontop?
